The Church of Sanctuary of the Helper of Christians, Sotin

Kardinala Alojzije Stepinca 20 32232 Sotin
Tel: 032/512 201

In the center of Sotin there is the Church of Mary the Helper of Christians. The Sotin parish is first mentioned in 1335, but it has not been established to which saint it was dedicated. Some think that it was dedicated to St. Paul, because the Sotin fortress was dedicated to him. After the liberation from the Turks ( in 1687), the parish was run by the Franciscans from Vukovar until 1758. In that period there were two churches in Sotin: St. Luke the Evangelist's, probably the graveyard church and St. Vid the Martyr's, that stood on the place of the present church. According to everything, it was located along the northwestern wall of the medieval church that is mostly preserved in the structure of the present church. The present church, with ground-plan medieval proportions was partitioned and baroqued from 1760 until 1768, and it was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Helper, whose person was worshipped from 1739 in a special chapel in Sotin. Namely, in 1739 the Franciscans from Belgrade fleeing from the Osmanlis brought the painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Helper (painted according to the painting of Lucas Cranach) to Sotin. The baroqued church was covered with shingle, and in 1819 it was tileroofed. During the grand renewal in 1859 the church got a classicist bell-tower, that was damaged with cannon shells in 1944 during the “Srijem front”. Around 1970 the church was reconstructed with a new bell-tower, that was once more demolished in the Patriotic Defense War, just as the roof and ceiling above the main nave. The painting of Mary the Helper was fortunately saved and today the devotees treat their Patron in front of it. In 2001 the conservator-restauration reserach started as a preparatory work for the renewal of the church, that was revalued. The whole northwestern part of the church, the part of the main front and most part of the Sanctuary in full height is a medieval gothic structure of the church built at the end of the fifteenth century. During the renewal the walls were consolidated, the roof and the classicist bell-tower were reconstructed, the side rooms were ground-planned, and in the sacristy the barrel-shaped medieval arched ceiling and gothic window were reconstructed. The main church feast day of Mary the Helper is celebrated on Sunday after Holy Thursday, and the church holiday is on May 24.

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